Café Havblik Lønstrup

Restaurants in Lønstrup

Photo: Destination Nordvestkysten

Lønstrup has many cafés and restaurants. The cafés offer homemade dishes and many are inspired by the sea as their neighbor, which means there are rich opportunities to enjoy fish or shellfish. Likewise you also find classic restaurant and family friendly restaurants.

Find places to eat

Restaurant Villa Vest
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Restaurant Villa Vest

On the edge of Lønstrup Restaurant Villa Vest serve imaginatively prepared food from the very best local producers.

Restaurant Glashuset
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Restaurant Glashuset

Restaurant Glashuset is a restaurant where everyone can join in and have a good experience.

Café Slugten
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Café Slugten

Café Slugten is a gathering point for many locals and is popular with Lønstrup's guests.

Restaurant Lido
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Restaurant Lido

Restaurant Lido is located in the center of Lønstrup and has a wide selection of food for the whole family.

Lønstrup Iscafé
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Lønstrup Iscafé

Lønstrup Is Café is located in the heart of Lønstrup and offers delicious Ryå ice cream.

Green ExperienceKeramikcafé Møllehuset
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Keramikcafé Møllehuset

Come and enjoy Keramikcafé Møllehusets garden, ceramics, cafe and view at Vennebjerg's beautiful mill.

Den Blå
Photo: Den Blå, Lønstrup

Den Blå

Den Blå er en Mad- og Sommerbar i den Gamle Biograf i Lønstrup. Friske råvarer med fisk og grønt i fokus, spændende vine og hjemmebrygget øl.

Restaurant – Skallerup Seaside Resort
Photo: Skallerup Seaside Resort

Restaurant – Skallerup Seaside Resort

At Restaurant - Skallerup Seaside Resort you are guaranteed a large selection of food for both children and adults.

Café Havblik
Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

Café Havblik

Café Havblik offers the most fantastic view of the North Sea at the top of Lønstrup.

Photo: VisitNordvestkysten, Lønstrup



In the middle of Lønstrup with the most beautiful courtyard, at appetitbyalstrup you can enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner, based on fish and shellfish. Nice wine list with bubbles, ...


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