

Photo: Hjørring Handel

Culture is ready to pounce – ready to provide you with new experiences. For it is impossible to visit Hjørring without being seriously engulfed in culture. The prominence of museums, theatres, art and sculptures in the town contributes to creating a very special atmosphere.

Experience Hjørring

Here, you can enjoy an ice cream on the beautiful ‘fountain square’, Springvandsplads, and the sculpture, Solringen, which constitutes the branching point of the major streets of Hjørring. In Hjørring there is always something to do. You can enjoy a cup of coffee in the wonderful pedestrian precinct which is bursting with shops; or you can pay a visit to Metropol, which was nominated the best Danish shopping centre in 2013.

The town boasts a wealth of interesting museums, beautiful churches and arts and craft. As to museums, the historical museum Vendsyssel Historiske Museum is particularly noteworthy. On an ongoing basis, the museum organizes special exhibitions and events relating to town history. Hjørring’s three medieval churches (Sct. Catharinæ, Sct. Olai and Sct Hans Kirke) are also interesting objects of exploration – and they are located within walking distance of each other. In January 2017 Vendsyssel Theater opened in the centre of Hjørring. The house is 4200 sqm. and includes a theatre room that seats 250-350 spectators. In winter you will find an ice skating ring in the centre of town.

Find activities in and near Hjørring hear.


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