Nystrup Glamping

Overnight stay in the surfers' paradise

Photo: Nystrup Camping

Whether you prefer exclusive glamping tents or charming hobbit cabins, you should interrupt your cycling or hiking tour and stop by Nystrup Camping. There is the possibility to buy delicious bread for breakfast as well as dinner on the site.

Nystrup Camping has just been taken over by new owners, who wish to strengthen the possibilities the guests can have in the nature. They believe that camping life is about experiencing the nature, to live in it, eat in it and get out to experience it.

At Nystrup Camping they have the vision, that the camping site should be a place where, across generations, interests and nationalities, you can meet around the bonfire for dinner and a cold beer or with a cup of coffee at the community house in the morning.

Hytter Nystrup Camping
Hobithytter Nystrup Camping

The camping site offers a variety of accommodation options. There are small and large cabins, round and tetragonal as well as luxurious glamping. Or you can choose to stay the night in true festival style in the center of the place together with all the other nature-loving guests.

At Nystrup Camping you can have a good conversation with some people, who you would not have met otherwise on your way. Whether you are a pensioner or family with children, a surf king or hiking enthusiast, you can feel at home here.

If you feel like going on a cycling tour, Nystrup Camping offers bicycle rental as well.

Glamping Nystrup Camping
Photo: Nystrup Camping

Contact information

Nystrup Camping
Trøjborgvej 22
7700 Hanstholm

tel.: 9797 5249 

Experience Kystsporet


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