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Bjarnes Fisk og Fisketeria

Directly at the harbor in Lemvig is Bjarnes Fisk og Fisketeria. Here is a large selection of fresh and smoked fish delicacies and fish dishes.

The restaurant is open both for lunch all year round and for lunch and dinner during summer.

In summer you can enjoy the food outdoors on the terrace with the fantastic view of Lemvig Harbor and the Limfjord.

For lunch you can buy fish sandwich and Danish open sandwiches with different cold cuts.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday you can buy take-away menus, just to heat in the oven.

In the northern part of the house, directly facing the Limfjord, is the restaurant - or Fisketeriet, as we call it. Here, the two chefs deliver all the dishes to the fish buffet and the à la carte menu with a variety of fish dishes and individual meat dishes.

The menus on the map change regularly, so they follow which fish are landed here in West Jutland.


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