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Breakwater Q, Fjaltring, North Sea

Breakwater Q in Fjaltring on the North Sea is a popular beach and meeting place for board surfers.

When the big surfs roll in the days after a hard westbound, young surfers from Hamburg and Denmark gather to get up on the swells.

Breakwater Q is one of the few places on the West Coast from Nymindegab to Thyborøn where you can drive all the way down to the hip and the beach.

There is a service building with toilets, outdoor shower and sink.

Winter bathing: The residents of Fjaltring have a mobile sauna standing on the court. (Key can be borrowed for a modest payment from the merchant in Fjaltring. You must bring a bag of firewood yourself).

Behind the service building is a shelter area with bonfire - mainly for cyclists and hikers.

The breakwater is built handicap-friendly without stairs. 


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