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The bunkers in Løkken and surroundings

During the occupation, Løkken was acting as a German support group consisting of infantry positions and a coastal battery. On the outskirts of the town and in the plantation in the middle of the town, there are still many bunkers. On the beach north of Løkken at Furreby, almost the entire coastal battery is now situated on the beach as a result of the erosion of the dunes by the North Sea, with several of these bunkers now actually out in the water. The battery was constructed in 1941, along with the battery at Kettrup Bjerge just south of Løkken in order to defend the bay of Jammerbugten. 

At Kettrup Bjerge, there is a coastal battery with four 15 cm cannons and a mariner station.

In Nr. Lyngby a little north of Løkken, you will also see many nice bunkers and trenches. Some of them even slipped down on the beach.


Read more in our brochure which you can get at Løkken Tourist Office!


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