Café Kesses Hus - Klitmøller
Klitmoeller's pancake café
For example, who can say no thanks to a sweet pancake with Thy Eco Ice Cream and homemade rhubarb compote, or a buckwheat pancake with smoked dark saithe with pea puree, pickled shallots, fennel and lettuce?
We also have a good selection of special beers from Fur Bryghus, organic juice from Brødrene Adelhardt, wine, tea and coffee.
Swing past Café Kesses Hus in Klitmøller in Thy and find your own favorites among both sweet and gluten-free buckwheat pancakes.
The Organic Food Label in silver
Café Kesses Hus has the Silver Organic Dining Label, which can be obtained by eateries that can document that organic food and beverages make up 60-90 percent of the total purchases.
The organic food label is state-controlled proof that a restaurant is committed to ecology. The Organic Food Label shows how much of the food and drinks purchased at the restaurant are organic.