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Hanstholm Madbar

Hanstholm Madbar is a small restaurant where you sit close - the intimate and light atmosphere invites to storytelling, laughs and stains on your clothes.

At the tip of Hanstholm. With Denmark's wildest view. On the spot we are - Hanstholm Madbar

We jump into the dream with the passion intact and full of courage. We are not afraid to fail.
- Hanstholm Madbar is a necessity. For us, for Thy, for the guests ....

We want to cultivate favorite dishes rather than dogmas - we serve simplicity, quality and taste. And most importantly - what we like. Forget about gourmet and fine dining, but expect real cooking, relaxed atmosphere, humor, joy and lots of love and hospitality instead.

Hanstholm Madbar is a small place where you sit close - the intimate and light atmosphere will make room for robbery history, laughter and stains on clothes.


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