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Harboøre Hotel

Harboøre Hotel is within walking distance of the North Sea's wide sandy beaches and the free, wild nature.

Harboøre Hotel, which is today owned by the third generation, offers cozy surroundings with a good atmosphere. Where you can, among other things, rent a penthouse holiday apartment overlooking the North Sea.

You also have the opportunity to walk from the hotel up to the North Sea with its large wide sandy beaches. Here you can enjoy the wild nature, the tranquility and the fresh wind.

Harboøre Hotel is centrally located in Harboøre close to the train and bus station. Here you can take the small private railway VLTJ to Thyborøn or to Lemvig, where you can shop and see some of the many attractions that the area offers.

If you take a trip to Thyborøn, you can visit the Jutland Aquarium, the Sea War Museum and the Iskunsten.


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