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Hike - Hjertestien in Lemvig

In Lemvig, there is a 6.1 km long heart trail that will take you through forests, open meadows and to the Limfjord.

The trail begins and ends at Lemvig Lake and goes through a very hilly terrain created during the last ice age.

The heart trail in Lemvig is possibly Denmark's most beautiful.

The first part of the trip starts in the center of the old market town of Lemvig. From here, the trip goes through forests, over open meadows, to the fjord and the harbor to end again at the starting point - Lemvig Lake.

From Kabbelvej there is a magnificent view of the city, the cove and the Limfjord fjord. The trip goes through hilly terrain created during the last ice age, and there will be good opportunities to get your heart rate up!


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