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Kløverstier i Hjørring (Hiking trails)

Kløverstier, Springvandspladsen Hjørring

If you enjoy the outdoors and want to combine this with exercise Kløverstierne offers this opportunity.

All trails starts and end in Hjørring City Center at Springvandspladsen. Each trail offer its own theme. The links are to a maps of the trails, unfortunately the information is only available in Danish. 

The Green trail is the historical trail and takes you through the city of Hjørring and the old churches. Grøn rute: Den kulturhistoriske rute (2,5 km)

The Blue trail has the theme "city water" and it will take you through parks and lakes.  Blå rute: Byens vand (5 km)

The Red trail takes you through "Hjørring Bjerge" and the view tower at Bellevue. Rød rute: Hjertestien (7,5 km)

The Black trail is the longest and is also suitable for running. Sort rute: Naturruten (13 km)


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