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Liver Å (Creek)

Enjoy Liver Å, which runs beautifully through Northen Denmark's landscapes.

Liver Å (the creek) runs through Vendsyssel and to Hundelev. The total length of the creek is approx. 20 km and ends out at the beach in Kærsgård which are a beach located between Hirtshals and Lønstrup.

The area around Liver Å and Kærsgård Strand is a protected area and are located by the Natura 2000 area, Vandplasken. The area has been protected since 1956. Vandsplasken is a special area where many starlings stay during fall. Here it is possible to experience the nature phenomena, starling mutation.

The open terrain by the creek has a rich number of bird and animal species and a very special plant life.

The creek is a very attractive place for angling, however the area has some restrictions. Along the creek there is some specific areas of where it is allowed to fish and some where it is forbidden. To fish in the creek you must be a member of the fishing union of Liver Å.

Buy legal fishing license/membership at www.fiskekort.dk

For more information about potential restrictions, press here


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