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Living history at Bratskov Manor

Every Thursday from 10 a.m.-01 p.m. Bratskov, the Manor at Brovst, is vitalized. More than 100 volunteers show ancient craft and traditions - exactly as in “the good old days”

Vitalizing the Manor

Every Thursday all summer from 10a.m.-01p.m. you may experience the vitalizing of the Manor. The ancient rooms are filled with busy hands, who show their ancient craft, accompanied by folk music and singing in the court. It is possible to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and the well-known cake “Drømmekagen fra Brovst”. At 11 a.m. you may join an exciting historical conducted tour at the Manor.

In the forge and in the shoemaker’s workshop you may experience the ancient craft, and in the classroom you can try writing with a slate pencil on a blackboard. Furthermore, you may have a ride in a horse-drawn carriage round the town of Brovst or on horseback from the park. If you have the courage you can visit the witch in the cellar. She will hand you a sample of her magic potion and tell horrifying stories.

Every Thursday from 10 a.m.-01 p.m. there are different projects.

- 27 Ancient hand tools & a brushmaker
- 28 Vintage cars
- 29 Historical fashion show (clothes from 1920 up to and including the 1960’s
- 30 Washing day
- 31 Ancient machinery and tractors

Every Thursday from 11 a.m.-01 p.m. there is a conducted tour, however with the exception of week 29 due to the fashion show.

Free entrance.


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