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Manor House Rysensteen - Bed & Breakfast and Retreats

Try a relaxing stay at Herregaarden Rysensteens Bed & Breakfast and Retreat at Bøvlingbjerg in West Jutland.

The manor house is close to Nature Park Nissum Fjord and Lemvig.

You are welcome to bring your own horse, dog or cat.

The manor house Rysensteen is located north of Nissum Fjord and south of Lemvig. There is close proximity to both sea and fjord, wildlife and birds.

The manor rents out three apartments in the north wing. Feel free to use the surroundings. 

The Retreat offers a well-equipped apartment with bed linen and towels, but no catering. The refugee stay is especially for individuals. Minimum stay is 3 days.


Please note that we do not receive debit cards, cash only.

The history of the manor Rysensteen dates back to 1401, where it was called Castrum Bøfflingae, Bøvlingborg. Under the Catholicism under the bishop of Ribe. After the Reformation in 1536, the manor passed to the Crown and was given in Len to the nobles of the time.


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