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Mountainbike in Tvorup Klitplantage

Pick up your MTB and try the two mountain bike routes in Tvorup Klitplantage in National Park Thy.

Follow the routes via pictograms and the arrows on the red poles. One route does not require you to be experienced or have special equipment. The second route is more demanding with tough challenges in the terrain.

If you want a trip with different levels of difficulty, you can run the routes in context.

White route of 6 km is relatively easy except for a few stretches.

Green route of 10 km is more demanding with more terrain challenges.


If you ride the two routes in conjunction, it is suitable for experienced MTB riders with variety and technical skills.

Cycling on the routes takes place at your own risk. Be aware that there may be unforeseen obstacles.

We hope you enjoy the walk in the woods and take good care of the other guests, nature and yourself.


Start and finish: The campsite on Boligvej, approx. 300 m north of Tvorupvej 53.


- Show consideration for other forest visitors and slow down when you phobia others.

- Only drive on the marked MTB tracks, wide paths and forest roads. In the dune plantations, the soil is sandy and driving off-track destroys vegetation, which leads to erosion and, in the worst case, sand escape.

- Drive carefully.

- Remember bicycle helmet.


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