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"Stranden" Shelters in Uggerby Klitplantage

Visit Uggerby Dune Plantation and spend the night in shelters. At the nature camp site "Stranden" you can spend the night in the middle of the forest. The place is close to the coast.

Get closer to the water and enjoy a stay in the shelters called "Stranden"/"The beach". Here you'll find 4 shelters with room for 6 people each. The area has a perfect distance to the ocean and at the same time it's placed in the cosiness of the forrest. When arriving have in mind that you won't be able to get there by car. You can find parking spots close to. One is placed on Uggerby Skovej.

During the summer-months there will be tap water and toilets and furthermore there's benches and fire place with grill.



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