Thy Event & Naturcenter
Thy Event & Naturcenter is located in the village Bjerget.
Thy Event & Naturcenter rents out rooms for overnight stays, but can also provide the food for your next party.
If you want to hold a big party with accommodation for many, then Thy Event and Naturcenter is the obvious choice.
If you want to rent a room and explore Thy’s beautiful nature, Thy Event & Naturcenter is a great spot for tours. Close by you will find the local’s favourite excursion spots such as Bulbjerg, Lild Strand, Vigsø and Vejlerne.
Book accommodation at https://thyeventognaturcenter.com/overnatning/
Cake Table
Every Saturday in the summer from 18 July, coffee and Lene's legendary walnut layer cake are served from 14:00 to 16:00. Table reservation is required. You can order by phone +45 2942 0102, or by email at kontakt@thynatur.dk.