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Tolne/Asdal Ruten ved Hjørring (Bike trail)

Bike trail - Tolne og Asdal

The Tolne trail (Regional rout 62) is approximately 55 km long.

The trail goes from Fredrikshavn through the forest of Tolne, Sindal, Slotved Skov (Forest) and ends in Hjørring. From here you can bike across the bridge at Liver Å (Creek) and then you will be on the Vestkystruten (Westcoast route) and thereby gaingíng the oppertunity to experience both east coast, midlands and west coast.

The trail connects with the Asdal route (regional route 63) a route that will take you through Bjergby, Asdal, Uggerby Plantage. The trail is marked with blue bicycle signposts.

Both trails is on graveled roadways and forest roads and asphalt.

Download the folder "cykelrute Tolne-Asdal" - Please note that the information is in Danish, but the map is very useful.



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