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The Troll Museum (Troldemuseet)

The old troll factory at Gjøl houses the troll museum “Troldemuseet”.

“Troldemuseet” tells us the story about Thomas Dam and the lucky trolls (Lykketroldene) from Gjøl, and how great an artist he was.

In approx.1930 Thomas Dam started carving wooden figures. They become very popular and sold readily. New methods came into use, and in the 1940’s we saw the first creatures looking like trolls in clay and on paintings.

Thomas Dam has worked in wood, clay, rubber, ceramics and stoneware. Furthermore, he has made gigantic trolls for i.a. Karolinelund, Bakken and shopping centres at home and abroad.

The story is told by means of modern technology and an exhibition of various products in many different materials.

Follow us on Facebook Troldemuseet.

If you want a guided tour with more history, it will be possible.



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