Nystrup Glamping

Unique overnight stays

Photo: Nystrup Camping

The Northwest Coast is more than just the traditional types of accommodation. Try one of these fun overnight stays, listed below, for a slightly different experience than you're used to.

Water shelter at Doverodde Marina
Photo: Destination Nordvestkysten

Water shelter at Doverodde Marina

Try the new water shelters on pontoons in the idyllic Doverodde Marina in Thy.

Here you can be rocked gently asleep by the waves of the Limfjord and wake up with a view of the sparkling water.

Water shelters - Vildsund Marina
Photo: Thisted Kommune

Water shelters - Vildsund Marina

Spend the night in the new water shelters, that float on pontoons in Vildsund Marina.

The gentle waves of the Limfjord rock you to sleep, and you wake up with a view of the sparkling water.

18B - Container BnB
Photo: 18 B

18B - Container BnB

House of culture 18B in Harboøre offers a unique experience with accommodation in two container houses.


Stay on a boat in Handbjerg Marina - alternative accommodation

Wake up to wave ripples in Handbjerg Marina by the Limfjord. You can rent accommodation on a boat in the marina incl. cleaning and access to bathroom and toilet facilities in the service building. In ...

Plexushytter - B & B
Photo: Plexus

Plexushytter - B & B

Small custom-built cabins with space for 2 persons, but possibility for an extra bed.

101 Glamping Thy
Photo: 101 Glamping

101 Glamping Thy

Experience a one of a kind luxurious outdoor stay in Thy National Park.

Photo: Lemvig - Thyborøn Turistforening


A unique luxurious log cabin where the focus is on details and quality. All around the house is a balcony with a fantastic view of the North Sea.

Guesthouse Klitmøller
Photo: Thy Turistforening

Guesthouse Klitmøller

Guesthouse Klitmøller is the place where you have a good bed in comfortable surroundings after a good day in the water, along the water or in some of the unique nature.

Anne Justs Havehotel
Photo: VisitJammerbugten

Anne Justs Havehotel

The garden hotel “Havehotellet” at Hune with opening hours in the garden season is hidden behind the south-facing workshop with direct admission from the garden. It is part of a detached house from 19...

Vancation - Rent a van for a memorable vacation.
Photo: Vancation - Jens Hedevang

Vancation - Rent a van for a memorable vacation.

Self-drive holiday along the Jutlandic West Coast in a rented van from Vancation - now that's nostalgia and coziness at its best!

Gåsereden: Madpakkehus og shelterplads i Bøvlingbjerg
Photo: Dorthe Larsen

Gåsereden: Madpakkehus og shelterplads i Bøvlingbjerg

Shelterpladsen ligger i Bøvling ved de gamle mergelgrave og er døbt Gåsereden for at skabe et særligt kendetegn og for at afspejle de store flokke af gæs på Bøvling Klit.

Der er skabt en sammenhæng m...

Fru Pedersens Have - Visitor Garden
Photo: Fru Pedersens Have

Fru Pedersens Have - Visitor Garden

In 2019, Fru Pedersen's Have at Vemb was awarded the Garden Society's CPH Garden Award in the Garden Experience of the Year category.



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